I have developed a program about The Possibility in Conviviality – Telling We-Stories to Our Future, first offered in Victoria BC in 2017, and offered recently in Edinburgh, Scotland (For a two-page program overview peruse: EICSP-Program-Edinburgh-AprilMay-2018-Two-Pager) I’d welcome opportunities to offer it again, in weekly modules, or in a compact part-weekend format.
Part of the impetus behind the program offering is the framing of conviviality provided by Marc Humbert in his 2015 essay (a draft of a book chapter), Towards a Convivial Civilization Humbert Towards Convivial Civilization
Much of the inspiration for the program outlook has derived from the Australian Centre for Convivial Backyard Civilization, which I was introduced to while on leave in Adelaide, South Australia in 2014. For more context on the ACCBC, and its ‘practice-stories’ focus, see the 2013 article Practice Story Exchanges – Peter Willis
And for a compilation of my own ‘practice-story’ and ‘ideas-sharing’ offerings to the ACCBC, see Ian Wight – ACCBC Practice Stories 2014+2015+2016 Dip into them, and sample, according to taste.
I am hoping that this might pique your own curiosity about ‘the possibility in conviviality’, and inspire you to notice your own convivial practices – and the stories you might want to tell, or the ideas you might wish to share – to help advance this collective-life-affirming cause.